Whiteboard Inspo!

I love pretty and neat organisation. In theory anyway, because let's be totally honest with ourselves here, you can set up all those gorgeous containers with labels, but you know just as much I do, that the kids will ignore those labels and leave stuff on the floor, if you aren't hovering around them to keep on top of it. 

Be that as it may, if it's still aesthetically pleasing, whilst giving me and people who visit my house that I mostly have my shit together, that BONUS. 

As you all know, I bought a printer. 

And it fills my little printable soul with happiness because I get to print ALL THE THINGS.

Now a few of you (not all) have seen my previous whiteboard shenanigans. 

So when I first did it, I thought it was amazing, but 3 months down the track, the marker lines were rubbing off and began to look less amazing. 

So Playgroup day rolls around last Friday, I walk into our lovely admin teams office and there before me was the goddess of all whiteboard organisation. Thank you knew admin woman! I did not get a photo, as it had private deets up, but let me tell you, my OCD was filled with such happiness I was torn between jumping up and down and crying. I am serious, my friend mocked me for it. 

So my little tiny whiteboard was about to get the ultimate makeover.

Everyone, meet my new friend,  grid tape

I only heard about grid tape on Friday, but I knew instantly we were going to be besties. 

So off to Officeworks a danced, key card in hand, gremlins dragged behind me, to retried grid tape and a magnetic sheet. Yes ladies a SHEET of magnet. Not magnetic tape, not magnet discs, a sheet!

My supplies at the ready, I was prepared with my tools of the trade.
- Printer  CHECK

- Scissors CHECK
- Glue CHECK
- Paring Knife (because who can afford a scalpel) CHECK

I planned out how I wanted the board to look, and what I could do without. A lot of it was going to go, besides the calendar, cleaning schedule and quote board. Mainly because I was moving a board for meal planning to my fridge.

So with a bit of acetone and scrubbing, off I went.

Loooooook at those sexy lines. AND THEY WON'T RUB OFF LADIES!!!!

Now enter the beloved printer, magnetic sheet and glue.

Number magnets that I can move!!!! No more rubbing out the numbers. (note to self: make second batch with coloured background to differentiate the following month.)

And theeeeeeen

I cut those beautiful little magnet bastards out painstakingly with teeney scissors. It hurt, my fingers cried out, but I loooove them so freaking much. 

I am so very happy with how it turned out, from the grid tape, to the colour magnets, to the magnet pen holder. Wooo.

Now I know I am missing birthday magnets, I made a terrible boo boo during print mode.... I changed the pictures but not the titles beneath. I didn't think a birthday hat with the word RUBBISH below was whiteboard worthy, so a redo will be necessary. 

So please, enjoy my beautiful board, because I sure am.
