Well for now anyway, HA!
Its been a whirlwind rollercoaster of ups, downs and chaos at the Molehill since my last post. We have had FOUR family visits, bouts of sickness, car drama, interstate family illnesses,
and with Miss 5 down with this seasons flu and Molehill Dada also sick and working his ass off, I really just need a good stiff drink, a nap and possibly a holiday to a beach resort, in the sun with cocktails.
Its been a whirlwind rollercoaster of ups, downs and chaos at the Molehill since my last post. We have had FOUR family visits, bouts of sickness, car drama, interstate family illnesses,
and with Miss 5 down with this seasons flu and Molehill Dada also sick and working his ass off, I really just need a good stiff drink, a nap and possibly a holiday to a beach resort, in the sun with cocktails.
So I'm back, mostly. Ok, I'm not making any promises. I can't even remember appointments, keep a cleaning schedule or remember to take my pill, so you'll have to cut me some slack.
Side note, I've been feeling amazing as of late, and drum roll ladies, I am attempting to write a novel, which is also the other half of the reason for my absence as of late. However I will endeavour to share the love between my writings, and who knows, maybe you lovelies will get the very first taster if I get it all finished.
But today on my return to stardom, I wanted to share with you the printables I knocked out this morning. I finally got around to getting myself a brand new, wireless printer.
What does this mean for the Molehill? Well, it means this Mama's addiction for printables can spread to new horizons because I no longer have to wait for Molehill Dada to bring me the prints home from work. Can we say Eeeeee for excitement Moles?
So how can a Mama stay on top of kid toy explosions?
1. Rotate those suckers like milk in the dairy section, to prevent spoilage.
2. Label those bad boys, so your tornadoes can put all those dastardly feet attacking hordes back in the right place.
Since Master 2 can't read, and Miss 5 is still learning, our labels needed to have pictures for visual prompting. I am also a picky Mole, and I like all my images to look the same. If they're clipart, I want them to all be drawn by the same artist and I certainly don't want half clipart and half photos, Yuk! Show some self-control ladies, this is where your OCD should thrive.
And if making them isn't your forte, but you love a good organisational sesh, that's okay, because I've already made these ones to share.
Bright colours, solid images, what's not to like?
If you're more of a pastel kind of Mama, hit me up, and maybe I can fix it up for you.
I printed
cut out
and then re-cut out the little tags
You can always just cut out the first cutting session and just laminate the printout straight away, so you only have to cut them out once. I just personally like laminating them separately as it makes them last longer, and it's a nicer finish.
How well do they work, I hear you asking. Well, the playroom is clean, without help, and Miss 5 said thank you because, and I quote, "This is super helpful for me."
My job here is done.
Just wack the picture above with the clicky button on your mouse and download for free, because I'm nice like that.
And as always...
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