The Sugar Scrub

I have the most glorious all-rounder skincare recipe for you ladies. The plus side is it's home-made and saves you a pretty penny. 

I mentioned in my Korean Skincare Routine about using a home-made sugar scrub as an exfoliator instead of expensive store brands. It's so stupidly easy to make even your husband could make it. Not that he will. 

All you need is find a clean dry jar that you want to store it in, white sugar and coconut oil. The bonus of the coconut oil is not only that it's a gorgeous moisturiser, but it also makes the mix smell like coconut slice mmmmmm. 

Now it's as simple as filling said jar with sugar and adding small amounts of coconut oil to the mix until its damp but not wet. The oil should just bring the sugar together, but not drench it. AND THAT IS IT! Pop the lid on and hey presto, DIY sugar scrub. 

It's perfect as an all over body exfoliator, not just for your face, it works well for Keratosis Pilaris aswell by scraping away the dead skin and moisturising. Farewell, red bumpies. However, the other best use for it is as a shaving oil. Yes! A shaving oil. Because it exfoliates your skins and stimulates your hair follicles you get a much closer shave, and who the hell doesn't love the feeling of sexy fresh smooth legs. 

Now you can add a few drops of essential oil to your mix if you are that way inclined, but for the face, I prefer to go plain Jane just to be on the safe side. 

Now get making lovelies, and let me know how it goes. 
