I can be a derp

Occasionally it takes a loved one to point out what a total derp I am. Sometimes I totally mishear things and I can say and do the weirdest things, and without my family to point these out to me, I would never feel like a total derp either. And yesterday was one of those days.

We were at the gym, and I'm sitting with one headphone in.

Sister: I've realised why I can't do Virgin, the harness won't fit over my legs
Me: You know they make boylegs for that now, you don't need to use harnesses?

She then proceeded to look at me with a super confused face.
Now I missed the first part of the conversation and totally took it out of context. She was not talking about a sex conquest where a "buddy" wanted her to be his "Daddy" (if you catch my drift) and was, in fact, talking about the fact that the SEATBELTS on Virgin Airways don't fit..... Whoops.


My sister saw a Mahoosive old tree as we came off the motorway. 

Sister: That tree is huge! I want to build a tree house in it. Or a house on the inside of it.
Me: I want to touch the knot on its belly and crawl through it into a magic fairyland. 

Yep, I did that. 

Sidenote: She thought I said "Fall through it into a fairly well" so that makes it even better. 


I spent 5 minutes trying to line up two pins on the seated row machine so I could slide the added weight straight of the lifting weights on to the rack. I was just completely confused as to how to get it off any other way. Sister walks over lifts weights up entirely past the bar, slides weights off, and puts them away and just laughs at me. 

I'm glad no other gym goers noticed my dumb assery.

Tell me I'm not the only mama whose totally lost their marbles after creating those little dictators we call children. 
