When your anxiety is on a whole nother level, people who don't suffer with it just don't understand some key points.
"Just stop worrying."
If I could stop worrying cold turkey, don't you think I would? I don't intend to worry. I don't go out of my way to worry, it's just there.
"Nothing happened today, why are you anxious?"
Because sometimes the trigger for my anxiety is NOT an event, but a thought, feeling or sensation. I could be happily plodding through the day when suddenly a sound clicks a slot in my memory, and without evening seeing the memory my anxiety is peaked, from absolutely nothing. Just because you can't physically see the thing that is triggering me, doesn't mean it's not there. In my head, it is.
"Just go exercise, it'll make you feel better."
Oh my god, this is a total do as I say not as I do situation for me. My beautiful sister suffers from depression and has so for many years. And still to this day I say this to her, without doing myself. Well knowing how good exercise is for your body health and mental wellbeing, I myself do not do this tip. Why? Because when I'm in a mood, I am exhausted mentally and I DO NOT want to work out. I'm lethargic and I just can't motivate myself.
I know that if I work out, I will feel better, but I'm too tired to work out because I don't feel good, even though I know if I work out I'll feel better. Sound familiar. Yay for the circular motion.
So how do we break these cycles? Well, we need to break them. Get up and get moving, even if you don't feel like it. Go for a walk, join a gym.
Practice Mindfulness. Accept and move forward.
Believe me, I know that its easier said than done. I do all of these things and don't often use coping mechanisms, because, at the time, I'm too busy freaking out to use my logical brain. it takes a lot of practice, but I know we'll all get there.
And Remember, Love Yourself Moles
Very relatable! It’s hard when not everyone understands how anxiety feels but when you find someone who does it’s great to have that support!