I thought we were friends. I thought that you were the magical contraption that would put my uteruses baby making tendencies on hold. I trusted you blindly, without much forethought. You were the best solution for a woman who forgets to take her contraceptive pill. Turns out you were a wolf in sheep's clothing.
The erratic cycles, the mucus changes, the tiredness. I could have forgiven those things. What I could not forgive was the slow and nasty decline of my mental health. The decline was so slow I barely noticed it at first, and then all at once, I realised I was in too deep and couldn't get back out.
I had to sit down and take account of contributing factors, and your appearance in my life seemed to take place smack bang before my anxiety and OCD began to take over. But this could not be. My Implanon wouldn't do that to me, we had a deal. But after doing some research, I found I wasn't the only one.
So many more others out there suffering, with a heavy weight on their chest. Losing their way in the darkness. And you were the common factor. So what do you do when a weed is growing in your garden? You rip that sucker out. Well I didn't literally, but the doctor cut a nice incision in my arm and extracted your from you toasty little resting place.
Implanon, you are not missed. I don't look back on our time with fondness, just acceptance. You kept one end of our bargain, stop me getting pregnant, but you took free range with my mind and body. Your price was too steep and I will not pay it again. I'm sure you'll make someone else happy, but not me. My new contraceptive, Evelyn, and I are a much happier team. I'm not in top notch condition yet, but I feel like I am finding myself after a long exhausting journey.
Farewell Implanon.
From Jess
To all my lovely readers, if you feel like your birth control might be a contributing factor to your mental health issues, please see your GP to discuss other options. Even if its not your birth control, its better to take factors away to find an answer. Your hormones could be key. And know that you are not alone.
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