Kids Jobs

So a few weeks ago I mentioned a way to help with a cleaning routine, to try and stay on top of the housework, and about delegating to your minions. 

So Miss A5 has always been the pain in the routine department. She used to love helping, but then I got lazy, which made her lazy and not do her routine. This coursed a few behavioural issues, but the last few weeks, we've gotten back on to the routine and rewards and she's absolutely thriving, even her behaviour at school has picked up.

As well as our routine, I ask one question of her every morning I drop her off at school. 
"What are your goals today?" And the answers all depend on what you've asked of them. 
Her current answers are:
- Listen to Instructions straight away
- Don't get in peoples faces
- Stay out of peoples bubbles. 

These were prompted after she was having issues with personal boundaries and getting all up in peoples faces, and not listening when asked to stop. So these goals are her main focus for each day at the moment outside of her routine expectations. 

I've narrowed our expected jobs down to certain times or type of job, and have wacked some posters up in word. 

 The gorgeous images I got as freebies from Audrey Schilaty's Website, but its no longer hosted so here is the Pinterest link if you want to use these. 

We have these posters printed, laminated and stuck on the side of our filing cabinet, and when the gremlins have done a job they have a little magnet to put in each box. Once their jobs are done on the page, they receive a star which goes towards our Rewards system. 

 It's not a great image, sorry guys, but if you click on the image it will open the document for you. 

For each sheet the kids finish, they get one "basic" star (pink or light blue star magnets that go on the fridge) or two if they do it before the deadline time (morning jobs before 7:30am etc), and once they get to 10 they earn 1 Reward point to spend on a basic reward. Basic rewards consist of things that are free and easy to do. And for every 10 basic Star's, they earn 1 "Bonus" Star (purple or dark blue star magnets), and again once they have earnt 10 Bonus Stars, they get a 1 reward point to spend on a Big Bonus prize. Big prizes are rewards that would cost us money. 

Now, this system works for Miss A5, but not so much for Master A2, because he's not quite old enough to understand the rewards principle, but we have the sheets all set up and ready for when he is. But I find some routine is much better emotionally and mentally for all parties than no routine at all. And eventually, you don't even need to prompt them, they'll do it on their own.

You are all more than welcome to download these sheets to use at home with your kids as well. I have included spaces to handwrite your own extra rewards or how they might lose Gems for misbehaving. I've honestly found this system a godsend, as long as I remember to reward them. And really who doesn't want things to be easier all around.
